Some More About Grace and St. Paul Lutheran Churches

Grace and St. Paul Lutheran Churches, member congregations of Lutheran Church-Canada, exist primarily to give glory to God, and to serve its members and the community as it holds forth the Word of Life, concerning the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.  We celebrate and remember Jesus' life, death, and resurrection, as we await His Second Coming at the end of time, and the resurrection of the dead.


Adult learning takes place through midweek Bible Studies at the churches.  Presently this takes place Wednesdays at 10am in Osoyoos, and Thursdays at 10am in Oliver.


Our Pastor is able to lead Adult Instruction class upon request. This is about a 10 session study, which at the conclusion would make one eligible to receive Baptism, or to be received into communicant membership of the congregation.


There is also a Lutheran Women's Missionary League (LWLML-C), working to promote missions both locally and internationally. They meet bimonthly for Bible Study and business.


There is an active choir and of course they're always looking for new members.  They generally practice after the Sunday service to be ready to sing on various Sundays during the service and on special occasions.  There is also a Chime Choir, which practices Wednesday mornings, and plays for special services.


The congregation supports Canadian Lutheran World Relief and the development work it does, along with local endeavors as needs arise.